Saturday, February 12, 2011

A New Year

Shortly after that last blog I had a little mishap and wound up going to Harborview Hospital in Seattle. By helicopter.

Teri had taken me to the Port Orchard tree lighting on Dec. 4 and we were going back to where her car was parked and I fell. I didn't just fall--I did an "ass over teakettle" while navigating some concrete blocks and fell on my head. Teri got me to the police station (fire station?) and I was then transported to Harrison Hospital.

A very sharp doctor at Harrison said I needed to go to Harborview. I had a "brain bleed".

I don't remember much of the stay in ICU. Most of my family was there and the last thing I remember was somebody taking a scissors to my sweater and bra. More brain bleeding and the neuro docs had to implant a shunt in my head, which I learned later, is permanent.

I finally was transported by ferry and ambulance to Ridgemont Terrace Rehab facility where I stayed through the rest of the year. I missed Christmas. My wonderful kids put away my Christmas tree and decorations. Now back in my apartment I am using a walker (temporarily I hope) until I can maneuver without falling.

My doctor also ordered physical therapy for a torn rotator cuff so I'm on a program with some wonderful Ridgemont Terrace therapists.

Thanks to my Scandinavian genes I heal quickly so am looking forward to getting back to my old routine. My hair is beginning to grow back and I am feeling pretty good considering what I've been through.

The remarkable part of my experience is the fact that I was still recovering from open heart surgery (valve replacement and repair)when I did my AOT. Since leaving the hospital every doctor and medical professional I've seen has told me I have made great progress. I have faith that will continue and I should be ready to replant my deck flower containers this spring.

I can't say enough for Teri and my other children who helped me through this latest ordeal and I guess the only way I can repay them is to stay out of trouble! (No bungee jumping off buildings or bridges, no skydiving or Harley racing...)

Finally, I know I had a slew of relatives and friends who said prayers for me. I want them to know their prayers worked!


Anonymous said...

Yay Mom! We continue to pray for you, and glad to see you back online! Keep on writing! :-)

designcounts said...

Way to get back on the horse, Mom. We love you and we're so happy to see you writing again!