Thursday, October 14, 2010


It's been too long between posts, so I'll just offer this lame excuse: I moved again, this time just down the hall to a slightly larger unit. Getting settled again at my age can best be described as a severe pain in the neck. Also in the back, legs, arms--all over, yanno.
Most of the work was accomplished by our kids and a couple of fantastic grandkids and a friend of grandson, Charles' who did all the heavy lifting and plugging in of computer, printer and other components.
But here I am all cozy for the winter and getting my groove on.
Speaking of which… one of the greatest moments in a Grandparents' life is a grandchild announcing an impending birth to make you a great grandparent. Our grandson,Clay Sutton Miller and his lovely wife, Trinity, will produce this latest addition to this growing family sometime in May. Clay's mom, Susie Mullins, is beside herself with joy of becoming Grandma Susie, which means a lot to members of the Atkinson side of the family. Grandpa Charlie Rook's mother was known to all of our offspring and numerous cousins of theirs as Grandma Susie.
So that's my big news flash of the week. I don't know of anything that can brighten our lives more than a new life!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Mom, what do you remember about Grandma Susie? What was she like, her personality? I was born shortly before she died, so I don't remember her at all.