Sunday, March 18, 2012

Silly thoughts on a Sunday morning

Open Other End

How many times have you opened the wrong end of a cereal box? Or cookie package?  Or your computer printer’s ink cartridge?
Yeah. Me too.
I think any way you can get to the contents should be okay.  IT SHOULD BE
And while I’m on the subject, I have an issue with the way some tea bags are presented.  I like the ones that are completely contained in a bag where the top can be torn off and inside is the bag complete with string.  I don’t like the ones whose tags are a part of the bag holding the tea bag. These I usually wind up ripping the tag from the string and have no control of the bag as it sits in the hot water.
So here I am trying to fish the bag out without a tag to pull it.  I could drink the tea leaving the bag in the cup, or I can burn my fingers trying to fish it out.  Or I can use a clean spoon to dip it out.
Now about that cookie package I just ripped open at the wrong end and gotten cookie crumbs in my tea.

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