Monday, December 7, 2009



Unknown said...

I just read your update on the living situation; sounds like you two are doing the very best you can under the circumstances. I'm sure that where you are living is the very best for you, staying in Rook's apartment just wouldn't work. Maybe in time things will change for the better, but even if not, it sounds like you are doing great and I'm so glad you're taking care of yourself. GO, ROSIE.
The next chapter of your account of your teenage years is great. I can't believe you got in such a fight with that matron, who surely deserved everything you gave her. And how courageous was that, going out in the dark and riding the bus to Grandma's House? Have you seen that little motto that says, "There's no place like home but Grandma's?"
I'll keep checking your blog for the next installment, KEEP 'EM COMING.
I love you, Rosie! Judy (and Dave and Cathy, too)

Unknown said...

Grandma, this blog is great!! I love reading such a great life story.